What is Confidence

1 min readFeb 18, 2021


The perk to having ADHD (undiagnosed) is that my loud mind is always wandering to various places, different thoughts on random things that pop up when triggered by the environment. Whenever a thought was useful I try to write it down and further build onto it.

Over a quick lunch this afternoon, I thought about my life disappointments lately. A kind of struggle I’m going through right now is not getting what I want, and seeing people around me having them, which supposedly makes it worse. This led me to think of confidence. What exactly does it mean to be a confident person? Is it someone who has a track record of success, or is it someone who continuously fails and falls down but is resilient.

Many people avoid even attempting at something, under the impression that unsuccessful attempts derail confidence. To me this is counterproductive. What I actually learned from living in this state is that at the end of the day, I’m still ok. Hence I personally think confidence is not about stacking up the probability of successful outcome, it’s rather a successful state of mind that is immune to the outcome, let it be shitty, trusting yourself enough that you will live through the worst of the worst.




A pragmatic dreamer. Curious about how stuff works/Longing to make beautiful things.