Home Kitchen

1 min readJan 16, 2021


I used to daydream about running a private dining restaurant when I was a kid. This idea stuck with me to this day, I still want to start my own restaurant, perhaps making something really simple yet tasty, ie. noodles.

There is something about food, a common interest shared by everyone, something that brings us together. Cooking is a process I particularly enjoy. It allows me to indulge within the realm of my imagination, to experiment with different ingredients and create new possibilities. The best part is being able to share the end product, a delicious dish with others, and to experience the immediate gratification from your work. When customers enjoy and bond over your creation of work, in a little noodle shop.

Many months ago, at the onset of the pandemic and spending more time at home and cooking, I was determined to pilot out the home kitchen idea that I even wrote a business plan about. But then something happened, and I lost motivation. I no longer enjoyed food as much, eating became more mechanical rather than for enjoyment. I also became busy, and stopped doing what I enjoyed the most.

The other day I learned the province granted approval to home-based food businesses. This is a significant development as previously the biggest risk I found was regulatory issues. Now that the hurdle has lifted, I hope to pick up my idea again, which had been on the shelf for over half a year.




A pragmatic dreamer. Curious about how stuff works/Longing to make beautiful things.